Amazon Alexa Prototype using Raspberry Pi 3B+

Ambar Prajapati
2 min readJan 19, 2021


I spent some time over the weekend converting my Raspberry Pi into an Amazon Alexa prototype, a demonstration video for which you can watch here.

A few details and troubleshooting tips I present below to get you past the typical issues while installing Alexa Voice Service (AVS) Device SDK on Debian Raspbian OS — Noobs.

You will find the standard steps here on the official Amazon Developer portal.

There is also a quick full install step-by-step that you may view here.

The latest dependencies for AVS Device SDK can be seen here.

It's a good idea to check if the Raspberry Pi Software/Hardware you are using is compatible with the latest AVS Device SDK.
You may use the commands given here for cross-checking.

Below is the additional hardware list that I used for my setup.

I faced and resolved the below issues while building the SDK.


AlexClientSDKInt.cpp curl.h no such file or directory

Resolve by updating the below library

#sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Raspberry Pi freezes

Ensure you are using a compatible cooling fan on your RaspPi
Else you may use your Room Fan pointing at Pi to cool it down

Even after enough cooling, the pi repeatedly freezes at 93% at below step

[93%] Building CXX object ApplicationUtilities/DefaultClient/src/CMakeFiles/DefaultClient.dir/DefaultClientComponent.cpp.o

Many developers have faced this issue and the resolution can be seen here

Basically, focus on the below steps

#cd /home/pi/build
#sudo make VERBOSE=1

Next —ensure and take note of the DSN you’re using. The same you will need during the Authorization step.

#sudo bash config.json [-s DSN]

Hopefully, you see the setup move to 100% this time with no more hiccups.

Maybe, this helps you build the AVS SDK well on your Pi.

You can see my setup working here in this youtube video

Wishing you a happy Alexa :)



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