Install, Run and Interact with Redis under docker on Windows 10

Ambar Prajapati
2 min readFeb 22, 2020


Run the docker command below to download redis and add it to your local docker containers

docker pull redis

Next start above redis instance using below command

docker run — name redis -d redis

You may now see the redis container running using below command

docker ps -l

If you wish to start instead with persistent storage then run below command

docker run — name redis -d redis redis-server — appendonly yes

Note: Only one out of above two run commands will be applicable one time.

Use below command to see the redis logs

docker logs redis

Starting an interactive session with above running redis container

docker exec -it redis sh

you get the # prompt and now run redis-cli at the prompt as below


this hooks you to the default redis port 6379 on your localhost as below>

Now you’re ready to run the redis commands on redis-cli.

Setting up Key-Value pairs with set command

For example>set game Soccer

Retrieving saved values using Keys

For example>get game

Other redis-cli commands
Complete redis-cli command reference is available here and here.

